Big Y beginning 1/12. My picks with the coupon you have !

Big Y beginning 1/12

They have a Silver Savings club promotion going on. A free 3 month trial , which will get you all the silver coin prices you see throughout the store. Try it out! I have it and love it.

Brawney paper towels 8pack or 6 pack big rolls$4.98ea use $/1  Brawney on Facebook. Final price = $3.98 .

Healthy choice and Marie calendars entrees $2 ea . use healthy choice and get them for as low as $1 ea

Barber goods stuffed chicken breasts $3.50ea use Barber Foods ( enter your email on bottom right) . Final price = $2.50

Jamba frozen smoothies 2/$5use $1/2 from the 1/8/12 Smartsource insert. Final price $2 each

Pepperidge Farm Goldfish crackers buy 1 get 1 free. use  $1/2 Pepperidge Farm crackers. Final price varies

Hood creamer $1 use $.50/1  Hood creamer . This may be a freebie!

 Activia and Dannon $2 ( not available , but you may have printed $1/1 from that I posted last week)

Grands Biscuits 4/$5 $1.25 ea, use .30/2 from the 1/8/11GM insert or print here Grands biscuits. Sign up for
Betty Crocker coupons and your final price may be as low as $1.50 or.75ea

Hamburger Helper $1 use .90/4 Hamburger Helper , again at Betty Crocker ( sign up for savings) or you can use .80/4 Hamburger Helper. Final price could be as low as $2.22 for 4 boxes or .55 a box!

Lucky Charm/Golden Graham cereal bars $2 use .60/1 Cereal bars  or .50/1  Cereal bars. . Final price can be as low as .80ea!

Progresso bread crumbs $2 use .50/1 from the 1/8/12 GM insert. Final price $1 ea

Pizza stuffers $3 use $1.10/1 Pizza stuffers or $1/1 Pizza Stuffers . Final price as low as $1.90ea

Four for $20 meats ! Some include hormel always tender, perdue shortcuts. Great price for meat.


jessixb said…
you can no longer sign up for the free silver savings trial, unless you run quick to Big Y tonight.

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