CVS shopping trip 1/1/12 starting the year off right!

CVS is one of my favorite stores to shop at for household items and baby products. They have a program called extrabucks rewards . Ever notice those big red kiosks in every cvs store? Most people think they are price checkers. They do that too but more importantly they hold valuable coupons to use in the store. Simply scan your cvs barcode under the scanner and viola coupons spit out! This is Ethan's favorite part of the trip. Also,  they never tell you but you can scan twice ;)

Register  your card online at and you can track the spending. Head over there to learn more about the program ( if you want all the facts). They frequently give out special offers such as $5 off of $25 that can be sent directly to your card ( no coupon printing) and used in store. You do have to check frequently to see if something special like this is sitting in your online account. They don't send an email , so its up to you to stay on it! Of course some restrictions apply so check the fine print.

Before a trip to CVS I check the circular and see what items they have that are part of "extracare rewards" for that week. This week they have " Spend $30 on select items and get a $10 card back" . I would say 9 out of 10 times I buy all of my paper towels, toilet paper , dish soap and baby diapers at CVS with a fantastic extrabuck offer.

I always have some extrabucks left over from last week to apply towards my trip and that will be reflected in my trips . If you are a newbee and starting with none you will surely leave with some! I don't think anyone should ever be without extrabucks in his or her wallet.

Today's trip: 1/1/12
It's a new year and I accrued some free extrabucks from purchases made in 2011 so the magic machine spit me out a $4.50 off extrabuck reward . This can  be used just as cash  would . A great bonus to the trip!

Transaction #1
76 count pampers cruisers reg 22.99- 4.00
12 roll bounty paper towels reg. 14.99-5.00
800 sheet printer paper reg. 7.29-3.29
Total  reg price before savings = $45.27
total after sale price =  $32.98
                                    - $4.50 surpise annual reward
                                    - $5 off of $25 sent to my card
                                    - $5.99 extrabucks from last week
                                    - $1 bounty manuf coupon
                                    - $4 pampers manuf coupon
new total = $12.49 + .29 tax
savings =  $32.78 + $10 gift card for next time! these were part of the spend $30 get $10 deal
Bringing my grand total to $2.49 for $45.27 worth of household and baby boy necessities! sweet right?



Anonymous said…
Nice job! I'm heading there when my dad gets back with coupons from Maine!
lulu said…
I sure picked a great blotter to follow :)
lulu said…
Blogger. Hate auto correct lol

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