Free organic carrots !?

Read this entire blog post and then go here FREE CARROTS AND SO MUCH MORE ! We live in an area that supports recyclebank, so every time we recycle points are added to our account. When you sign up enter your address and see if you qualify!
I use recyclebank to earn points and get rewards. Some of the BEST are the $2/2 Earthbound Farm organic carrots. I just picked up 4 packages at Walmart today ( priced at .98 each!) and the save $10 off of $60 at Big Y.  These make for some great savings and they are easy to earn. See details below

Q: How can I earn Recyclebank Points?
A: Well, first you need to be a member. So, if you’re not yet –SIGN UP STAT! Next, you can start earning points in loads of different ways – from recycling in select communities to saving energy at home and even just by learning about the different ways you can help the environment.
Q: How do I order my rewards?
A: Sign in to your account and click on the title Get Rewards to browse all current rewards offerings. You can look for a specific reward using the search box or select one of the available filters. Clicking on a reward will provide more information about it, the partner and if there’s any terms and conditions associated with the reward. You'll want to read the T&Cs before adding the reward to your cart. Once you’ve selected the rewards you want, check out and you're all set.


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