*Big Y Sales with Coupon Match ups Beginning 3/1*

*Reminder: Sign up for RECYCLEBANK and get points to earn rewards. Use 100 points to print a $10 off of $60 coupon for Big Y! *

Grocery :

Buy 1 Get 1 Free Entenmanns Cakes or Cookies use $1/1 Entennmans use $1/1 Muffin Top or Mini cakes zip 08404

Keebler Fudge Shoppe Cookies $2.50ea use .70/1 Keebler Fudge Cookies  must register

WhoNu Cookies $2.50ea use $1/1 Whonu from 1/22/12 SS insert

Snapple Iced Tea $3.99ea 6pack use $1/1 Snapple . Hashout section of FB page

Mt Olive Pickle Chips B1G2 use $1/1 Mt.Olive Pickle  from 1/22/12 R insert

Naturally Delicious Salad Dressing B1G1 use $1/1 Naturally Delicious from 2/22/12 SS insert

Hormel Compleats Microwave Meals $2ea use B1G1 Hormel Compleats or $1/2 Hormel Meals zip 90210

Newman's Own Salsa $2ea use .50/1 from 1/22/12 RP insert

Pepperidge Farm Swirl Bread B1G1 use .50/1 Pepperidge Farm Bakery Product from 2/26/12 R insert

Doritos Nacho Chips $3ea use .75/2 from Pepsi Moments 02/26/12

Diet Pepsi or Pepsi 20pack $5.99 use $2/2 from  Pepsi Moments 02/26/12  

Sobe Life Water $1ea use B5G1 from Pepsi Moments 02/26/12

Lipton Brisk Tea $2.50 use $1/2 from Pepsi Moments 02/26/12


De Wafelbakkers Pancakes B1G1 use $1/1 De Wafelbakkers

Mama Rosies Ravioli B1G1 use $1/2 Mama Rosies Frozen Products

Marie Calendars Complete Dinners $3 use $1/1 Multiserve Bake

Jose Ole Taquitos $5.25 use $1/1 Jose Ole Product or $1/1 from 1/15/12 SS insert

Barber Foods Stuffed Chicken $2.97 use $1/1 from 2/26/12 SS insert

Newman's Own Skillet $6.49 use $1/1 Newman's Own from 2/5/12 R insert or $1/1 Skillet meal zip 90210

Birds Eye Veggies $1.44ea use $1/3 Birds Eye Vegetables

Toasters Strudel, Grand Biscuit $2.22ea use .50/2 Toasters Strudel from 1/8/12 GM


 Kraft Fresh Takes $2.79ea use $1/1 Kraft Fresh Takes zip 84321

Medium White Eggs $1 ea limit 4

Land O Lakes Eggs $2.89 ea use .75/1 Land O Lakes eggs zip 84321

Silk Fruit & Protein Drink $2.50ea use $1/1 Silk  Drink

Hormel Always Tender Boneless Pork Chops B1G1$1/1 Hormel Always Tender zip 64926 or $1/1 from 2/12/12 R insert


Driscolls Strawberries B1G1

Red Seedless Grapes $1.59lb

California Navel Oranges $1.49lb

Red Peppers $2.48lb

Household/Healthy & Beauty:

Nature Made Vitamins B1G1 use $2/1 Nature Made Fish Oil or $1/1 Nature Made Product zip 84321

Bounty Paper Towel Single Roll B1G1 use .25/1 from 1/29/12 P & G insert

Cottenelle Double Roll 12pack $4.99 Use $1.50/1 Cottonelle Tp and Moist Wipes

Let me know if you find any good deals on your shopping trip!


A.Chapin said…
Excited about the Hormel meals. Also about the Freshtakes. Love them!
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