Savings Club = FREE high value coupons

Sign up here for the Coupons.Com Savings Club 
I finally did it and am impressed with the high value coupons!

AND because they hit 500,000 "LIKES" they are giving you 1 year membership for FREE . It's only $3 a year after that. You have to put in a credit card but you can cancel at any time. 

I highly recommend this for those folks who do not have a store that doubles your coupons. I am seeing higher value coupons that will benefit you!

They offer Exclusive Member Coupons 
They have Click and Save that sends you to the company's website to print offers . Basically, they do the work for you.

Here are some of the coupons that are available right now:

SAVE $1.25 on Dimetapp® Product Savings Club Offer

SAVE 75¢ Brawny® Paper Towels Savings Club Offer

BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE Green Works®Product Savings Club Offer

SAVE $1.50 FRESCHETTA® Pizza Savings Club Offer

SAVE 75¢ Marie Callender's® Microwaveable Fruit Pie Savings Club Offer

SAVE $1.00 HELLMANN'S® Mayo Savings Club Offer

$1.00 OFF Applegate Farms Product Savings Club Offer


Hurry and sign up to grab these coupons. New Coupons will be added and these may no longer be available on March 1st!




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